Planning Engine

Rest assured, we don't collect or store any data when you use the free tools on our website. Input your real wealth and income confidently, knowing your information is not being collected.

Current age

The number of times the Earth has circled the Sun since your birth.

Retirement age

The age at which you plan to stop saving and start spending your accumulated wealth from this account.

Last withdrawal age

The age to which you want this account to last. Enter a few years beyond your life expectancy for a conservative plan. The higher the age, the more conservative the plan as wealth is intended to last longer

Opening account balance

The amount you will initially deposit to fund this account.

Annual income

Your annual income, including salary and bonus, that will be used to fund additions to this account.

Savings percent

The percent of your income you plan to save and invest in this account.

Annual income growth rate

The rate by which you expect your income to grow year-over-year.

Minimum Retirement Withdrawal

The minimum annual withdrawal from this account in retirement. Minimum Retirement Withdrawal has a significant impact on the probability of success.

Maximum Retirement Withdrawal

The maximum amount to be spent in any year. Maximum Retirement Withdrawal typically has a significant impact on Legacy but little effect on the probability of success.

Risk tolerance

A number, 1-5, that indicates your willingness to tolerate volatility in your portfolio. 1 indicates the lowest ability to tolerate volatility and 5 indicates the greatest.